Tonight, Alexis discovered a freckle on her chest, right under her arm. She was so excited and exclaimed with all her might, "Look mom! I have a FARKLE!"
What a silly girl.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
The Award for Mom of the Year goes to...
....someone other than me, that's for sure!
So I had a horrible parenting moment on Saturday. Carsten was cranky all morning, and neither Josh or I could figure out what his deal was. We'd pick him up and he'd just scream like he was in major pain or something! It was freaky. His top front tooth is coming in, so I thought maybe that was the problem. We gave him some Tylenol and OraJel which seemed to help some, but he still wasn't acting normal. At one point, we were looking at his legs to see if there was a major bruise or a lump from a broken bone, but everything seemed fine.
We went out and about and he finally fell asleep in his carseat. We got back, and I went to change his diaper, and IN HIS DIAPER was a set of plastic toy chew links. The poor kid had a toy in his diaper which was why he was so uncomfortable! Thankfully, once I took it out, he seemed just fine and no worse for the wear, but I still felt (and feel) like a horrible mother for not realizing the problem.
I'm still at a loss as to how exactly the chew links got into his diaper, but I guess that's one only he knows.
So I had a horrible parenting moment on Saturday. Carsten was cranky all morning, and neither Josh or I could figure out what his deal was. We'd pick him up and he'd just scream like he was in major pain or something! It was freaky. His top front tooth is coming in, so I thought maybe that was the problem. We gave him some Tylenol and OraJel which seemed to help some, but he still wasn't acting normal. At one point, we were looking at his legs to see if there was a major bruise or a lump from a broken bone, but everything seemed fine.
We went out and about and he finally fell asleep in his carseat. We got back, and I went to change his diaper, and IN HIS DIAPER was a set of plastic toy chew links. The poor kid had a toy in his diaper which was why he was so uncomfortable! Thankfully, once I took it out, he seemed just fine and no worse for the wear, but I still felt (and feel) like a horrible mother for not realizing the problem.
I'm still at a loss as to how exactly the chew links got into his diaper, but I guess that's one only he knows.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Carsten's First Haircut
So C's hair was starting to hang over his ears, so I thought it was about time to get it cut. It's always such a momentous occasion, so of course I had the camera posed and ready. My mom and sister were here to help hold on to him and take pictures.
Here he is before:

It wasn't much of a cut, but more just a little trim around his ears and neck. He looks like such a big boy now! It's amazing what a difference it's made! What a cutie!
Here he is before:
It wasn't much of a cut, but more just a little trim around his ears and neck. He looks like such a big boy now! It's amazing what a difference it's made! What a cutie!