Have I mentioned Carsten's nose bleeds here? I can't remember.
The last few weeks, C has been waking up in the night with a bloody nose. It's always in his bed, when he's sound asleep. I talked to the doctor about it twice (once while we were in for an ear check, the second for a well-check) and they say there is no apparent reason why his nose should be bleeding. The did a blood test to make sure everything was OK (especially considering Josh's history) and all was clear. The doctor suggested vaseline at the base of his nostrils and a humidifier to help moisten the air. We did buy a humidifier, but haven't done the vaseline yet.
Anyway, he woke up again late Sunday night with another bleed. There's really nothing worse. He's screaming, half asleep, fighting me, with blood streaming down everywhere. Plus he's gagging since it's running down his throat. Not a good situation and really, I'm over it. I don't know what's causing it, but I'm not enjoying it. The doctor said if the humidifier and vaseline don't help, they will have to cauterize the inside of his nostril so it won't be so sensitive.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Alexis' attitude has been improving. We got a book with a bunch of different smily faces in it. They go all the way from angry to elated. At times when she's having a struggle, I'll say to her "which face are you on right now?" and she'll realize how she's feeling and will make a strong effort to go to a good face.
She's also doing neat things like coming to me and saying things like, "Mom, I went potty upstairs, AND I rolled the tp correctly, instead of wadding it up, AND I flushed the toilet, AND I washed my hands!" She always is so proud of herself, too! It's neat and I always tell her how proud of her I am.
She's also doing neat things like coming to me and saying things like, "Mom, I went potty upstairs, AND I rolled the tp correctly, instead of wadding it up, AND I flushed the toilet, AND I washed my hands!" She always is so proud of herself, too! It's neat and I always tell her how proud of her I am.
So Ty comes in the other night and says to me, "Mom, today at school we learned about instruments and how they have strings. I already knew they had strings, Mom! When are we going to do something more challenging?" I said, "What would you like to do?" And he says, "Math. I love doing challenging math problems." Okie dokie.
Later on, I said, "Ty, we need to work on your spelling words at least once tonight." He says, "I don't need to study them, Mom. I already know them." He then gets a peice of paper and writes down, in order, spelled correctly all of the words. This was a Tuesday and the lists only come home on Monday so it's not like he'd been working on them for a long time. It's just like he gets it.
I'm going to talk to his teachers at the Parent/Teacher conference to see how he's measuring up to his peers. I don't want him to be bored, but I don't want the work to be too difficult for him, either.
Later on, I said, "Ty, we need to work on your spelling words at least once tonight." He says, "I don't need to study them, Mom. I already know them." He then gets a peice of paper and writes down, in order, spelled correctly all of the words. This was a Tuesday and the lists only come home on Monday so it's not like he'd been working on them for a long time. It's just like he gets it.
I'm going to talk to his teachers at the Parent/Teacher conference to see how he's measuring up to his peers. I don't want him to be bored, but I don't want the work to be too difficult for him, either.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
It's been a big day, Mom
Today was the first day of First Grade for Tyrus! He was so excited and ready to go, although he did show some signs of nerves. Yesterday, we were just going to relax and enjoy Labor Day. Josh was headed to our friends house for a LAN party and I was going to deal with the house and do some laundry and just try to get everything ready in anticipation of the hectic week to come. Well, that's not what happened!
About ten or so, my sister Destiny called to say she thought she was in labor and that they were headed to the hospital. After a few quick arrangements (thanks Dennis & Mary Lou!) I was able to make it down there. She was having contractions, but that didn't seem intense enough to be the "real thing," at least in my opinion. They checked her after awhile and she wasn't progressing, so they sent us home. The mid-wife on call said she thought we'd be back before the night was out...
In the mean time, I went back home and tried to focus on the six baskets of clean clothes that needed to be folded. My ILs kept the kids still, since Carsten was asleep. I got almost all of it done when Des called to say that she was still having contractions and wasn't sure what to do. She'd called the hospital again, but they said to try and wait it out a bit more. I decided at that point that I'd go collect the kids and head to Alex & Theresa's house for the cook-out as originally planned.
The whole time we were there, I felt jittery because I knew at any time Des could call to say the contractions had picked up in frequency, and or intensity... No call came, and so I called.
Rey said they had walked all through Meijer and the mall and Destiny was feeling tired and was going to take a bath. Josh and I decided that we'd head home and get Ty ready for school and just wait out the night.
Once the kids were in bed and all the lunches were made and everything was set for the next day, I decided I was going to get in the shower. Again I expected Josh to come in at anytime to tell me that Rey was on the phone. Sure enough, just as I was getting dressed, Rey called to say that Destiny couldn't talk through the contractions. Since Rey doesn't drive, I knew I had about 3 minutes and 24 seconds to get my hair dry and be out the door to pick them up! Talk about a rush!!
Thanks to Rey's dad who kept Dominque, we were able to make it to the hospital in time. They checked her and said she'd made change and she could stay!!
Des continued laboring all through the night. We all took turns staying up with her and then taking turns dozing off here and there. Not a lot happened over night, except that the contractions kept coming and coming.
Around 7 or so, I decided that since not a lot was happening, and they were having her get up and walk, I was going to head home and pick up Tyrus from Josh and take him to school! He was so excited and raring to go, and I was feeling very bleary. I grabbed a quick bite of cereal and we were out the door!
I took a few pictures and kissed him good-bye. As I was leaving, I got so choked up!! A teacher said to me, "Don't worry - he'll be okay!" I said, "I know!! That's why I'm crying!!" :)
Through my tears, I headed back to the hospital to find out that while I'd been gone, she'd made progress and they'd broken her water at around 8:45!! Woo hoo! We were going to have a baby today!
The labor progressed and the pain became more intense. Dana arrived. The mid-wife arrived along with the newborn cart. Before we knew it, at 12:23, Josiah Rey Mata was born! Yay!
I had the privilege of giving him his first bath which was really, really special. That was neat and I didn't expect to do that at all.
After Destiny was moved up to the Mother Baby Unit, I decided it was time for me to go. Ty was getting out of school soon, and I wanted to be there to pick him up.The school was super busy, but soon, I spotted my baby boy standing there all grown-up looking by his new teachers. He got in the car and I told him about his new cousin, and then I asked him how his day was. He said to me, "I'm tired Mom. It's been a big day." And I said to him, "You're right. It has been a big a very big day... :)
About ten or so, my sister Destiny called to say she thought she was in labor and that they were headed to the hospital. After a few quick arrangements (thanks Dennis & Mary Lou!) I was able to make it down there. She was having contractions, but that didn't seem intense enough to be the "real thing," at least in my opinion. They checked her after awhile and she wasn't progressing, so they sent us home. The mid-wife on call said she thought we'd be back before the night was out...
In the mean time, I went back home and tried to focus on the six baskets of clean clothes that needed to be folded. My ILs kept the kids still, since Carsten was asleep. I got almost all of it done when Des called to say that she was still having contractions and wasn't sure what to do. She'd called the hospital again, but they said to try and wait it out a bit more. I decided at that point that I'd go collect the kids and head to Alex & Theresa's house for the cook-out as originally planned.
The whole time we were there, I felt jittery because I knew at any time Des could call to say the contractions had picked up in frequency, and or intensity... No call came, and so I called.
Rey said they had walked all through Meijer and the mall and Destiny was feeling tired and was going to take a bath. Josh and I decided that we'd head home and get Ty ready for school and just wait out the night.
Once the kids were in bed and all the lunches were made and everything was set for the next day, I decided I was going to get in the shower. Again I expected Josh to come in at anytime to tell me that Rey was on the phone. Sure enough, just as I was getting dressed, Rey called to say that Destiny couldn't talk through the contractions. Since Rey doesn't drive, I knew I had about 3 minutes and 24 seconds to get my hair dry and be out the door to pick them up! Talk about a rush!!
Thanks to Rey's dad who kept Dominque, we were able to make it to the hospital in time. They checked her and said she'd made change and she could stay!!
Des continued laboring all through the night. We all took turns staying up with her and then taking turns dozing off here and there. Not a lot happened over night, except that the contractions kept coming and coming.
Around 7 or so, I decided that since not a lot was happening, and they were having her get up and walk, I was going to head home and pick up Tyrus from Josh and take him to school! He was so excited and raring to go, and I was feeling very bleary. I grabbed a quick bite of cereal and we were out the door!
I took a few pictures and kissed him good-bye. As I was leaving, I got so choked up!! A teacher said to me, "Don't worry - he'll be okay!" I said, "I know!! That's why I'm crying!!" :)
Through my tears, I headed back to the hospital to find out that while I'd been gone, she'd made progress and they'd broken her water at around 8:45!! Woo hoo! We were going to have a baby today!
The labor progressed and the pain became more intense. Dana arrived. The mid-wife arrived along with the newborn cart. Before we knew it, at 12:23, Josiah Rey Mata was born! Yay!
I had the privilege of giving him his first bath which was really, really special. That was neat and I didn't expect to do that at all.
After Destiny was moved up to the Mother Baby Unit, I decided it was time for me to go. Ty was getting out of school soon, and I wanted to be there to pick him up.The school was super busy, but soon, I spotted my baby boy standing there all grown-up looking by his new teachers. He got in the car and I told him about his new cousin, and then I asked him how his day was. He said to me, "I'm tired Mom. It's been a big day." And I said to him, "You're right. It has been a big a very big day... :)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Pancakes & Pillowfights
Carsten is so funny. The other morning, he woke up super early and stood in his crib hollering out "mama, hotdog!" He said it a bunch of times and me in my bleary state said, "Carsten... go back to sleep... we'll get hotdogs soon..."
We're officially done nursing... I can't even fathom that it's over since it was such a huge part of my life for so long. 4.75 years to be exact. But we're done. Carsten would still do it though, I think, if I let him. Especially during those early morning hours when he's hungry and is screaming for hotdogs!
I'm ready for school to start again, and I really think Ty's ready too. We got the information about his new teachers and his school supply list. He said he was OK with using his backpack from last year since it's still in fine condition. He's excited to go all day right now, but I'm sure the thrill of that will wear off soon enough. I'm glad he's going back because I have a hard time keeping him engaged and stimulated.
He told me the other night (through lots of tears) that "it's just not the same anymore...". I asked him what was up and he talked and talked to me. He said that now that I'm working on Saturdays we don't get to do what we've always done before - come in and wrestle with you and daddy. And then, he said, "you don't make us breakfasts on Saturday mornings any more either." UGH! I hate things like this!! I don't want to be working anyway, and then to hear his very deep and raw feelings about it makes it even harder... Sigh.
Anyway, my sister wants me to watch her boys when Josiah is born in September. I'm OK with that, as long as it all works out, so I did tell Ty that maybe I wouldn't have to be working much longer. He seemed to pep up a bit after that, but inside I felt (and still feel) like a horrible mother. And it also made me realize how much just the little things mean to the kids... you know? I mean, who would have thought that pancakes and pillow fights were so impactful on his little life?!
Alexis is still just as spunky as ever. I don't even know what else to say because that really sums her up!! She's super busy and hyper and likes to dance all around in a wild and crazy manner! I think my working has made her a bit more wild since I don't have as tight of a reign on her... I don't know. Anyway, she loves girly stuff still and is looking forward to being the "big kid" at home. I'd love to put her in preschool and actually a friend of mine told me about one the other day that has a Young 5s program. It may be too late, but I'm going to look into it for her hopefully soon.
We're officially done nursing... I can't even fathom that it's over since it was such a huge part of my life for so long. 4.75 years to be exact. But we're done. Carsten would still do it though, I think, if I let him. Especially during those early morning hours when he's hungry and is screaming for hotdogs!
I'm ready for school to start again, and I really think Ty's ready too. We got the information about his new teachers and his school supply list. He said he was OK with using his backpack from last year since it's still in fine condition. He's excited to go all day right now, but I'm sure the thrill of that will wear off soon enough. I'm glad he's going back because I have a hard time keeping him engaged and stimulated.
He told me the other night (through lots of tears) that "it's just not the same anymore...". I asked him what was up and he talked and talked to me. He said that now that I'm working on Saturdays we don't get to do what we've always done before - come in and wrestle with you and daddy. And then, he said, "you don't make us breakfasts on Saturday mornings any more either." UGH! I hate things like this!! I don't want to be working anyway, and then to hear his very deep and raw feelings about it makes it even harder... Sigh.
Anyway, my sister wants me to watch her boys when Josiah is born in September. I'm OK with that, as long as it all works out, so I did tell Ty that maybe I wouldn't have to be working much longer. He seemed to pep up a bit after that, but inside I felt (and still feel) like a horrible mother. And it also made me realize how much just the little things mean to the kids... you know? I mean, who would have thought that pancakes and pillow fights were so impactful on his little life?!
Alexis is still just as spunky as ever. I don't even know what else to say because that really sums her up!! She's super busy and hyper and likes to dance all around in a wild and crazy manner! I think my working has made her a bit more wild since I don't have as tight of a reign on her... I don't know. Anyway, she loves girly stuff still and is looking forward to being the "big kid" at home. I'd love to put her in preschool and actually a friend of mine told me about one the other day that has a Young 5s program. It may be too late, but I'm going to look into it for her hopefully soon.
Monday, August 4, 2008
And what will you have, Sir?
Yesterday we went to Bilbo's Pizza after church and while we were ordering, the waitress came and stood behind Carsten. Josh and I were on either side of him. The waitress asks us what we'd like and Carsten pipes up and says "hot dog!"It was SO funny especially considering he doesn't talk much yet.
The waitress was amused with him and polietly said, "I'm sorry cutie, but we don't have any hotdogs here - only pizza."Carsten then said louder, "HOT DOG!" We were all bustin' a gut. What a ham.
The crazy part is after that, every time she came near him he'd say "hot dog" to her. It made wonder if he's already starting to flirt at the tender age of 21 months. heee hee
The waitress was amused with him and polietly said, "I'm sorry cutie, but we don't have any hotdogs here - only pizza."Carsten then said louder, "HOT DOG!" We were all bustin' a gut. What a ham.
The crazy part is after that, every time she came near him he'd say "hot dog" to her. It made wonder if he's already starting to flirt at the tender age of 21 months. heee hee
Saturday, August 2, 2008
A Soft One?
The other day all 5 of us were in the van driving. We were headed to a place about an hour away, so we knew it was going to be a longer-than-normal trip. Well, the two oldest ones were in a wild and crazy mood and weren't listening at all to me and Josh when we told them 9843297 times to knock it off. Finally, Josh and I had had enough. I told the kids that once we got there, I was going to spank them both!! Tyrus immediately became quiet and Alexis immediately burst into tears.
A few minutes later we hear this squeaky girl voice from the backseat as Alexis says to me and Josh: "Mom and Dad, can you make my spankin' a soft one?"
HAHAHAHAHHH Heeeeh ha ahha!
We couldn't help but laugh after that. :)
A few minutes later we hear this squeaky girl voice from the backseat as Alexis says to me and Josh: "Mom and Dad, can you make my spankin' a soft one?"
HAHAHAHAHHH Heeeeh ha ahha!
We couldn't help but laugh after that. :)
Sunday, July 6, 2008
I am so grossed out!
Today after church, we went to a local Mexican restaurant to eat. Normally, the kids will get a taco, beans and rice for their meals. Well, today, Alexis decided to get chicken fingers. That was fine, I said.
Well, our meals came and she dug into her food. About ten minutes later, I look over at her and she says to me, "Mom, what is this?" On her plate was this sort of chewed up looking pinkish blob. I didn't have any idea what it was. Josh was sitting next to her and he looks at her plate and realizes that her chicken fingers are totally raw! I mean, they looked lightly breaded, and maybe slightly seared on each side, then pink, pink in the inside.
At this point, we realize she's eaten 1.5 out of the 3 on her plate. We tell her immediately not to eat any more and call the waitress over to show her the food.Thankfully, she takes the food away (and mumbles something about there being a new cook) and brings her a beef soft taco instead. In the mean time, Josh and I (and the rest of our crowd) have about lost our appetites thinking about how poor Alexis ate raw chicken! They took her meal off of the check, so at least that was something.
I really hope she doesn't get sick. Food poisioning isn't fun. At this point she seems okay, but we'll see how the night goes.
Well, our meals came and she dug into her food. About ten minutes later, I look over at her and she says to me, "Mom, what is this?" On her plate was this sort of chewed up looking pinkish blob. I didn't have any idea what it was. Josh was sitting next to her and he looks at her plate and realizes that her chicken fingers are totally raw! I mean, they looked lightly breaded, and maybe slightly seared on each side, then pink, pink in the inside.
At this point, we realize she's eaten 1.5 out of the 3 on her plate. We tell her immediately not to eat any more and call the waitress over to show her the food.Thankfully, she takes the food away (and mumbles something about there being a new cook) and brings her a beef soft taco instead. In the mean time, Josh and I (and the rest of our crowd) have about lost our appetites thinking about how poor Alexis ate raw chicken! They took her meal off of the check, so at least that was something.
I really hope she doesn't get sick. Food poisioning isn't fun. At this point she seems okay, but we'll see how the night goes.
Friday, June 27, 2008
We're Debt Freeeeeeeee!
Today is such an amazing day. It is the end of a long journey that my husband and I embarked upon 9 years ago. It is today that we have finally paid off all of our debt and owe nothing to anyone!
We are so amazed that this day has come!
We are so amazed that this day has come!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Kindergarten Graduation!
I have to admit it. I was a bit (well, maybe a lot) choked up on Monday when I drove to Tyrus' school to see him graduate from Kindergarten. All I kept thinking was that it wasn't possible that my tiny baby was old enough to be going to school full days next year, and how very quickly the year seemed to fly by. And then I get there, and I see Josh and I feel even more teary. Sigh.
They walked in with little white graduation hats to Pomp & Circumstance. They all looked so cute and wiggly, except for Tyrus who seemed to understand the "seriousness" of it all and kept a straight face - even while everyone was singing the silly songs. I think he was nervous or something, because he kept looking at me and Josh and grinning, then quickly turning serious again! Either way, it was cute. I noticed that like his doctor said, he is the very tallest amongst his classmates, and it was very obvious as they were all lined up.
When they called his name, I of course took lots of pictures (and got choked up again.) He looked so proud of himself up there!
And then, his teachers read a poem:
We give you back your child,
the same child you confidently entrusted to our care last fall
We give them back pounds heavier, inches taller
months wiser, more responsible, and more mature than they were then
Although the would have attained their growth in spite of us,
it has been our pleasure to watch their personality unfold day by day
and marvel at this splendid miracle of development
We give them back reluctantly, for having spent nine months together
in the narrow confines of our classroom, we have grown close
have become a part of each other, and we shall always retain a little of each other
Ten years from now if we meet on the street, your child and I
a light will shine in your eyes, a smile to our lips
and we shall feel the bond of understanding once more,
this bond we feel today
We have lived, loved, laughed, played, studied,
learned and enriched our lives together this year
I wish it could go on indefinitely, but give them back we must
Take care of them, for they are precious
Remember that we shall always be interested in your child and their destiny,
wherever they go, whatever they do, whoever they become
Their joys and sorrows we'll be happy to share
We shall always be their friend!
And of course, I cried again.

Congratulations, Tyrus on a job well done! I'm proud of you and I love you!
They walked in with little white graduation hats to Pomp & Circumstance. They all looked so cute and wiggly, except for Tyrus who seemed to understand the "seriousness" of it all and kept a straight face - even while everyone was singing the silly songs. I think he was nervous or something, because he kept looking at me and Josh and grinning, then quickly turning serious again! Either way, it was cute. I noticed that like his doctor said, he is the very tallest amongst his classmates, and it was very obvious as they were all lined up.

And then, his teachers read a poem:
We give you back your child,
the same child you confidently entrusted to our care last fall
We give them back pounds heavier, inches taller
months wiser, more responsible, and more mature than they were then
Although the would have attained their growth in spite of us,
it has been our pleasure to watch their personality unfold day by day
and marvel at this splendid miracle of development
We give them back reluctantly, for having spent nine months together
in the narrow confines of our classroom, we have grown close
have become a part of each other, and we shall always retain a little of each other
Ten years from now if we meet on the street, your child and I
a light will shine in your eyes, a smile to our lips
and we shall feel the bond of understanding once more,
this bond we feel today
We have lived, loved, laughed, played, studied,
learned and enriched our lives together this year
I wish it could go on indefinitely, but give them back we must
Take care of them, for they are precious
Remember that we shall always be interested in your child and their destiny,
wherever they go, whatever they do, whoever they become
Their joys and sorrows we'll be happy to share
We shall always be their friend!
And of course, I cried again.

Congratulations, Tyrus on a job well done! I'm proud of you and I love you!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
A day with Alexis

So we had a nice trip up there and I enjoyed the time spent one-on-one with her. We had a lovely meal and got to share pie afterwards. Then, we went shopping and she picked out some lovely pastel sea shells to buy.
We also got to meet a beautiful white horse. Alexis was afraid of her at first, but she got better as the time went on. And, every time we'd walk away, she'd asked to to back to see the horse again!! Silly girl.

So, here's what's happenin'...

Tyrus is almost out of school! He's only got six days left. I'm a bit bummed because the school calendar says the last day is June 4th, which is a day I'm off of work - however, a note came home the other day saying that the Afternoon Kindergarten (which Tyrus is) will have their last day on June 3rd - a day I'm working. So I'm sad I'm going to miss it - but I guess I'll just have to relish in the fact that I did take half the day off next Monday to go to his K Graduation. That should be neat, right?
Carsten has been a cranky head this week. I'm thankful I've been off the last few days for the holiday because he's been super whiny and clingy. I think the last two teeth are finally coming in. Thank God because he's gotten 6 already this month alone!
Josh and I are trying to decide if we should put Alexis in preschool or not. Josh doesn't really want to because he feels like she's already where she needs to be socially and academically, and I agree with that. Howevever, I sort of want to put her in simply because I think she would thrive in an environment that's simply for her, and not any of her siblings. It's also expensive, and so in the world where we both want to quit our jobs (my first one, and Josh's second one) we're not sure how likely it is anyway. Maybe there is something else I can enroll her in that's less expensive, but will achieve the same goal. I guess that's something to consider as well.

Saturday, May 3, 2008
A Nice Neighbor? Wow.

So we're really loving our new house. It's so nice to have our own entrance, laundry, the extra bathroom, etc! Plus the weird thing is we have a very nice neighbor lady named Vicki. I don't even know what to do with her! She smiles at us and talks to us and seems to enjoy that we're close. I'm a bit wary and feel like at any moment the evil horns will come out and the real neighbor will appear! Maybe I'll stop being so skiddish soon. :)
Monday, April 28, 2008
Grandma Karen Comes to Visit...
So we were very fortuntate a few weeks ago to have my mom come from Denver to visit us. We enjoyed her visit and I know she had a great time, too - especially getting to cuddle with those adorable grandkids of hers!
An Alexis Story
Once dinner was ready, I sent Ty up to get her to come eat. He came down and said that she was asleep! (This was about 7 PM.) Sure enough! She was out. I decided to let her sleep, thinking she'd wake up later and be ready to eat then. Well, later never came, and the next morning she was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and in a great mood. She was going to work with Josh that day (for take your daughter to work day) and so I told her to go down and have daddy get her a bowl of cereal.
At this point, she looks at me and says, "but I thought we were going to have spaghetti!" I said, "Uh, you missed the spaghetti. That was last night!" It was funny.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
We're Still Around...
...believe it or not!
It feels like ages since I’ve posted a blog, and to be honest, it has! Hopefully I still have a few readers out there!!
Anyway, just a few tidbits about our lives -
Alexis is a horrible nail-biter. We’ve been working on it, and it’s slow going. The other day she comes running in barefoot saying, "Look mommy! My nail on my toe is growing because I didn’t bite it!" Go Alexis!
Yesterday at pick up time, Tyrus’ teacher stuck her head in my van and said to me: "You know my husband and I have a little girl. But last night, I was thinking about if I ever had a little boy which one of my students I would most like him to be like... and your Tyrus was the first one I thought of! I’d love it if some day I could have a little boy like him." What do you say to that?!
Carsten is almost weaned. I’m happy about this because after 4.5 years of nursing so far in my life, I’m feeling done. He’s mostly only nursing before bed and early in the morning - during the day we’re done for the most part - so it’s not more to cut out. On the other hand, I’m a bit sad because he’s my last and it’s something I’ll never experience again...
Alexis’ new phrase is "duh, what was I thinking?" when she does something wrong or can’t figure out what she’s doing. It’s cute.
Tyrus said to me the other night, "Mom, is there such a thing as the year 2000 and 100? I said, "no, that would be the year 3000." The he says, "oh." A minute later he says, "If I’m still alive in 3000, I’ll be 98." Where does he come up with these things?!? Subtracting 2002 (the year of his birth) from that year!!
ETA -( Although, now that I re-read that, I realize that I told him the wrong thing. It actually would be the year 2100, not 3000. See, I told you I’m not a math brain!!! )
It feels like ages since I’ve posted a blog, and to be honest, it has! Hopefully I still have a few readers out there!!
Anyway, just a few tidbits about our lives -
Alexis is a horrible nail-biter. We’ve been working on it, and it’s slow going. The other day she comes running in barefoot saying, "Look mommy! My nail on my toe is growing because I didn’t bite it!" Go Alexis!
Yesterday at pick up time, Tyrus’ teacher stuck her head in my van and said to me: "You know my husband and I have a little girl. But last night, I was thinking about if I ever had a little boy which one of my students I would most like him to be like... and your Tyrus was the first one I thought of! I’d love it if some day I could have a little boy like him." What do you say to that?!
Carsten is almost weaned. I’m happy about this because after 4.5 years of nursing so far in my life, I’m feeling done. He’s mostly only nursing before bed and early in the morning - during the day we’re done for the most part - so it’s not more to cut out. On the other hand, I’m a bit sad because he’s my last and it’s something I’ll never experience again...
Alexis’ new phrase is "duh, what was I thinking?" when she does something wrong or can’t figure out what she’s doing. It’s cute.
Tyrus said to me the other night, "Mom, is there such a thing as the year 2000 and 100? I said, "no, that would be the year 3000." The he says, "oh." A minute later he says, "If I’m still alive in 3000, I’ll be 98." Where does he come up with these things?!? Subtracting 2002 (the year of his birth) from that year!!
ETA -( Although, now that I re-read that, I realize that I told him the wrong thing. It actually would be the year 2100, not 3000. See, I told you I’m not a math brain!!! )
Friday, January 18, 2008
To my sweet, dear Tyrus
January 17th, 2008
To my sweet, dear Tyrus –
Today you turned six and on this day you brought tears to my eyes. Your aunt Dana baked you a special chocolate birthday cake and at one point while we were eating it, I said, "Tyrus, thank you for having a birthday today so that we could have this wonderful cake!" And you said to me, "Mom, you should be the one getting thanks. Thanks for having me." Oh, and then my eyes filled with tears at such a sweet, sweet statement!!

It has been nothing but a pleasure being your mom for the last six years. You are such a beautiful boy – inside and out - and I'm tickled to see you growing and changing into a wonderful young man. This year, you started Kindergarten and seem to be loving going each day. It's neat to see you learn new concepts each week and to see the light coming on behind your eyes as you're figuring out how to read. You're loving math and continually ask me questions about concepts that should be way beyond your age! I'm amazed to see your work ethic when help is needed, and I know that as you grow older, you will continue helping out when you see the need.
Your little sister and brother adore you, although at times you seem to want (and maybe even need?) your own space. But don't dare let any one else mess with them! You'll be there quick as a heart beat to protect them if need be, and sometimes when I'm not looking, you guys even seem to play with out fighting! Imagine that!
As this new year comes upon us, I want to tell you that I love you with every ounce of my being. You are the coolest six year old in the whole wide world and I love you more than I could ever say. Thank you for being my son, and for turning me and your dad into a mom and dad. We are so blessed to have you in our life and look forward to this coming year as you become a six year old.
I love you so very, very much.
To my sweet, dear Tyrus –
Today you turned six and on this day you brought tears to my eyes. Your aunt Dana baked you a special chocolate birthday cake and at one point while we were eating it, I said, "Tyrus, thank you for having a birthday today so that we could have this wonderful cake!" And you said to me, "Mom, you should be the one getting thanks. Thanks for having me." Oh, and then my eyes filled with tears at such a sweet, sweet statement!!
It has been nothing but a pleasure being your mom for the last six years. You are such a beautiful boy – inside and out - and I'm tickled to see you growing and changing into a wonderful young man. This year, you started Kindergarten and seem to be loving going each day. It's neat to see you learn new concepts each week and to see the light coming on behind your eyes as you're figuring out how to read. You're loving math and continually ask me questions about concepts that should be way beyond your age! I'm amazed to see your work ethic when help is needed, and I know that as you grow older, you will continue helping out when you see the need.
Your little sister and brother adore you, although at times you seem to want (and maybe even need?) your own space. But don't dare let any one else mess with them! You'll be there quick as a heart beat to protect them if need be, and sometimes when I'm not looking, you guys even seem to play with out fighting! Imagine that!
As this new year comes upon us, I want to tell you that I love you with every ounce of my being. You are the coolest six year old in the whole wide world and I love you more than I could ever say. Thank you for being my son, and for turning me and your dad into a mom and dad. We are so blessed to have you in our life and look forward to this coming year as you become a six year old.
I love you so very, very much.