To my sweet, dear Tyrus –
Today you turned six and on this day you brought tears to my eyes. Your aunt Dana baked you a special chocolate birthday cake and at one point while we were eating it, I said, "Tyrus, thank you for having a birthday today so that we could have this wonderful cake!" And you said to me, "Mom, you should be the one getting thanks. Thanks for having me." Oh, and then my eyes filled with tears at such a sweet, sweet statement!!
It has been nothing but a pleasure being your mom for the last six years. You are such a beautiful boy – inside and out - and I'm tickled to see you growing and changing into a wonderful young man. This year, you started Kindergarten and seem to be loving going each day. It's neat to see you learn new concepts each week and to see the light coming on behind your eyes as you're figuring out how to read. You're loving math and continually ask me questions about concepts that should be way beyond your age! I'm amazed to see your work ethic when help is needed, and I know that as you grow older, you will continue helping out when you see the need.
Your little sister and brother adore you, although at times you seem to want (and maybe even need?) your own space. But don't dare let any one else mess with them! You'll be there quick as a heart beat to protect them if need be, and sometimes when I'm not looking, you guys even seem to play with out fighting! Imagine that!
As this new year comes upon us, I want to tell you that I love you with every ounce of my being. You are the coolest six year old in the whole wide world and I love you more than I could ever say. Thank you for being my son, and for turning me and your dad into a mom and dad. We are so blessed to have you in our life and look forward to this coming year as you become a six year old.
I love you so very, very much.