Monday, April 28, 2008
Grandma Karen Comes to Visit...
So we were very fortuntate a few weeks ago to have my mom come from Denver to visit us. We enjoyed her visit and I know she had a great time, too - especially getting to cuddle with those adorable grandkids of hers!
An Alexis Story
Once dinner was ready, I sent Ty up to get her to come eat. He came down and said that she was asleep! (This was about 7 PM.) Sure enough! She was out. I decided to let her sleep, thinking she'd wake up later and be ready to eat then. Well, later never came, and the next morning she was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and in a great mood. She was going to work with Josh that day (for take your daughter to work day) and so I told her to go down and have daddy get her a bowl of cereal.
At this point, she looks at me and says, "but I thought we were going to have spaghetti!" I said, "Uh, you missed the spaghetti. That was last night!" It was funny.