Wednesday, June 10, 2009

New bikes...!

So the dr called back and said that C's hemoglobin was on the lower end of normal, but still within the normal range. That was all she told me. I'm sort of annoyed with her in general...

Anyway, we decided to persue it a bit further and took him to an ENT specialist on Monday. That was helpful because he actually took notice of what was happening and asked lots of questions, and in general seemed to treat us much better than the other place. We have a script for some sort of oil to put in his nose, and then if that doesn't work, they will cauterize. We have an appt to come back in 10 days to see how the progress is going. Much better!

The other night, we splurged and got the kids bikes. Very fun to see them all decked out in their protective gear riding down the street. I love it!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Tears of good-bye

Today was the last day of school for Tyrus. He was super happy this morning and excited to go see everyone for the half day.

As I pulled up to the lane to get him, my eyes were misty as I knew he wouldn't be coming back to this school again. I'd finally gotten myself together by the time he got in the van, and as I pull away, I look in the rear-view mirror, and there is Tyrus with big fat tears rolling down his cheeks. I asked him what was wrong and he said he was going to miss his friends. Of course then the water works started with me again!

To cheer everyone up, we went to McDonald's to play. It worked for the most part until Carsten got stuck at the top of the playland and I had to climb up to rescue him.

Anyway, I'm just feeling a bit sad. My kids are growing up. Things will be different next year, and hopefully it will be a good different. I hope we made the right choice to take him out of this school.... I guess time will tell.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Ball O' Nerves

We had our open house on Sunday and it was just perfect! Lots of people came and seemed to enjoy themselves. The weather was gorgeous and I'm so glad everything worked out! Yay! Now I feel like we can move on and just live here now!

Ty is out of school on Wednesday. Tomorrow it's supposed to be field day, but rain is forcasted so they may have something else planned for indoors. He said all of his friends knew that he wouldn't be returning to that school next year. I suggested he take a notebook tomorrow to get everyone's names and phone numbers so that we can keep in touch with everyone.

Alexis is starting to feel some nerves now that Tyrus is almost out of school, because she knows that the next time school starts, she'll be going, too! She's such a ball of emotions, because on one hand, she's thrilled to death to be starting school, and on the other hand, she's very worried about 'what if I can't remember where my classroom is?' kind of stuff. I've tried hard to reassure her that she'll do just fine - even quizzing her on other places that she goes and how she remembers things there, etc, and she'd giggle and say yes she remembered where the bathroom was at grandma's house. I think she's going to be just fine because once she gets there she'll want to be the star of the show!

Can't wait for Ty to be done so our morning routine will be better. I'm hoping some of the crankyness from Carsten will be better when he's sleeping more. and I'm not having to wake him up to leave for school drop-off.

We changed our hours and pricing tonight for our store for the summer. It was packed out when I was in there earlier!

7 out of 17 ain't bad, right?

We're having our Open House on Sunday. Lots of people wanted to see the house so we decided to just have them all over at once and get it over with! Not in a bad way, of course, but just because to invite everyone over individually would take forever. So, I'm buying sub stuff and calling it good.
The house isn't completely finished yet, but I'm just doing what I can. I've got 7/17 blinds up so far. I keep buying them when I go to the store, but each time, I've bought them out! I have 5 more ready to put up, but I'll still have to get the rest. The paint is about 98% done. I touched up quite a bit the other night, but there are a few minor places I noticed that still need a bit. A few boxes need to be unpacked yet, but over all, we're settled and here. Yay!

The kids seem to be doing good with the change. For a while, Carsten was very upset everytime we'd be in the van and he'd ask where we were going and I'd say "the new house." He'd say "NO! Old house mommie!" All three of them love having their own rooms. Alexis was delighted about it for the first little while, now she whines about how "she's alone in there, and she doesn't want her own room" etc. We never can win with her.

Carsten's sleep seems somewhat better, in that he doesn't get up a million times in the night. He still isn't napping properly, and is still cranky a lot, but some of it, I think, has to do with his age. He is fussy a lot so I just start to tune him out since he whines A LOT! Ha! He's continued to have bloody noses and they seem to come in batches. I took him to the dr for it the other day and she said "just humidify his room." Um, thanks. Already did that and it didn't help.

Anyway, they did give me a lab slip to test to make sure he's not anemic since he looses so much blood, but I haven't had a chance to take him in yet.

Even though Alexis complains about being in a room by herself, and the colors of paint we chose for her (and everything else) she seems to be doing much better now that she has her own space. She's more positive and less cranky in general, which is so great to see. She is thrilled to bits to be going to Kindergarten in the fall. She's SO ready for more stimulation than I'm giving her.

She's also going through a really clingy phase right now. I'm guessing it's because the house is bigger and she keeps thinking I've left her? She'll call me once, then a second later, she'll call me again, and then the third time, she's panicked and bursts into tears, all while I'm just in the next room over. I've tried to tell her that I won't leave the house without her knowing, but so far she's not getting that.

Ty's last day of school is Wednesday and then he'll be on summer break. We did decide to pull him out of his school that we've loved for so long and send all the kids to the neighborhood school. It was a long, taxing decision, but we're hoping it's for the best. And really, now that we've moved and the current school is so much father away, the drive there and back each day is a lot. Plus, not having to wake up Carsten each morning before he's ready will hopefully help tremendously with his sleeping issues.

Tyrus is really growing up. I know he's only 7, but I looked at him the other day and just thought he looked like an adolescent, vs a kid. He's so much taller than his peers his age, so I'm sure that has something to do with it as well. He's excited that this is the first year he'll be old enough to go to Kid's Camp with our church. It should be fun for him. Alexis, of course, is jealous that Ty gets to go and she doesn't. I've tried to remind her that when Ty was 5 he didn't get to go either, but she's hearing none of it.

I'm also working a lot with our gaming company. I really could spend about 20 hours a week on it, but unfortunately, I don't have that kind of time available with all of the other things I'm responsible for too. So far, things are going well. We're looking foward to the summer in hopes that the kids being out of school will really help boost our business.

Josh is doing well. Working both jobs is hard on him, I know, but I appreciate his work ethic. We're enjoying owning our house and knowing that it's ours. We went tonight and bought a lawn mower and some rakes and grass seed and fertilizer. All 5 of us were in the backyard smoothing out the rough dirt to get the grass growing. It was fun to see everyone working together for a common goal.